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Saturday, 24 November 2012

PROJECT PETRO and the significance of PETRO PLANTS

Project PETRO is one of the project under the US department of energy(Advance Research Projects Agency-Enegy) under the direction of Dr. Jonathan Burbaum , PETRO means Plants Engineered To Replace Oil, other than PETRO there are plenty of projects having the same outcome(green energy) with different inputs, in PETRO they used plants as producer of fuel to machines (it is already giving fuel for us!), 

Significance of PETRO PLANTS: 

Plants which are used as manufacturer of fuel is called PETRO PLANT, they(ARPA-E) currently doing projects on sorghum, tobacco leaves, pine trees etc., following paragraph was given as introduction to PETRO by US Department Of Energy "The 10 projects that comprise ARPA-E’s PETRO program, short for “Plants Engineered to Replace Oil,” aim to develop non-food crops that directly produce transportation fuel. These crops can help supply the transportation sector with agriculturally derived fuels that are cost-competitive with petroleum and do not affect U.S. food supply. 

PETRO aims to redirect the processes for energy and carbon dioxide (CO2) capture in plants toward fuel production. This would create dedicated energy crops that serve as a domestic alternative to petroleum-based fuels and deliver more energy per acre with less processing prior to the pump."

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